Providence Proctology

4403 St. Rte. 725, Suite B, Bellbrook, OH  • Phone: (937) 222-2096 
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Office hours:  Monday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm  •  Tuesday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm  •  Wednesday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm  •  Thursday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm  •  Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Convenient, affordable outpatient treatment at these satellite locations —

Huber Heights, Huber Health Center, 8701 Old Troy Pike, Suite 40A

Springfield,  Ohio Valley Medical Center, 140 W. Main Street, Suite 110

Call (937) 222-2096 for office hours at satellite locations.

"Dr. Green was very polite and professional. He made an effort to explain everything and answered any questions I presented to him. I would recommend him to anyone that needs the services that he provides. "

"Great patient care. Dr. Green was most accommodating, compassionate and professional"

Dr. Darin Green and Providence Proctology specialize in colonoscopies, and the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the colon, rectum and anus, including:

Colorectal and Rectal Cancer  •  Inflammatory Bowel Disease  •  Crohn’s Disease  •  Ulcerative Colitis  •  Diverticulitis  •  Anal Fissures

We also treat simple anal conditions such as hemorrhoids, fistulas, anorectal abscess and more.

Proctologist Darin Green, DO is board certified by the American Osteopathic Board of Proctology, and specializes in the treatment of rectal conditions, colorectal endoscopy, rectal surgery and the treatment of hemorrhoids, anal fistula, anorectal abscess and rectal and colorectal cancer.

Dr. Green is a Fellow of the American Osteopathic College of Proctology. He is also the Program Director for the Proctology Residency at Dayton's Grandview Hospital. As residing trainer of proctology at Grandview, he is one of only two proctology residing trainers in the country.

An Ohio native, Dr. Green is a graduate of the Ohio University College of Medicine. He performed his internship and proctology residency at Grandview Hospital.

Lower out-of-pocket cost

Our convenient outpatient locations, minimally invasive procedures and treatment options lower your out-of-pocket costs, often dramatically.
Even if you are well insured, out-of-pocket fees and deductible cost for procedure and facility costs can be significantly higher at other area locations.

  • For example, a colonoscopy costs 71% less on average at Providence Proctology when compared to hospital prices for the same procedure.*
  • Dr. Green rates an ‘A’ on lower patient costs from many insurance carriers.

Check with your insurance carrier to fully understand what procedures are and are not covered, and what out-of-pocket costs can be anticipated.

* Based on average price range at five Dayton area hospitals; May, 2017

Don’t be afraid of a colonoscopy

If the thought of having a colonoscopy makes you apprehensive, you’re not alone. Too many people ignore their doctor’s recommendation for a screening colonoscopy. But you shouldn’t — for the vast majority of people, colorectal cancer is preventable, and putting off a colonoscopy can put you at increased risk of the number-two cancer killer among Americans today.

During a colonoscopy, a small, flexible lighted tube — called a colonoscope — is inserted into the rectum and guided around the entirety of the colon, searching for abnormal growths. If any are found, we can often remove them during the procedure before they pose any health threat.

  • A colonoscopy is normally not painful or uncomfortable; in fact, sedation keeps you comfortable throughout the procedure.
  • The procedure itself lasts about 30 minutes or less.
  • Recovery time is quick: most people feel normal after about an hour. Some activities, such as driving or operating machinery, should be avoided until the sedation wears off.

Preparation as comfortable as possible

The bowel preparation for a colonoscopy (which normally starts the day before the procedure) cleans the colon by removing all stool, and is not painful.

  • Liquid bowel-cleansing agents have become more palatable, with better-tasting and lower-volume solutions available.

Dr. Green can also prescribe Prepopik®, a split-dose bowel preparation that requires less medicine to drink. In many cases Prepopik have decreased the intensity and duration of bowel movements and improved bowel preparation.

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Effective hemorrhoid treatment

Dr. Green specializes in convenient office-based, outpatient treatment and therapy, with a focus on procedures that are effective and comfortable, with as rapid a recovery as possible — often without missing work or time with family.

In addition to traditional treatment methods, Dr. Green offers the latest minimally invasive procedures, including:

  • Rubber Band Ligation
    One or two very small rubber bands are placed around the base of an internal hemorrhoid to cut off its circulation. The hemorrhoid then shrinks and dies, and, in about a week, falls off. After the procedure is completed, many patients are able to return to regular activities almost immediately; others may need a day or two of bed rest.
  • Infrared Coagulation (IRC)
    This technique uses heat from an infrared light to cut off the blood supply to small and medium sized internal hemorrhoids, causing them to harden and shrivel. Some patients may experience slight bleeding for up to a week after the procedure.
  • Sclerotherapy
    A chemical solution is injected into the area directly around the hemorrhoid tissue to shrink it and relieve symptoms; the injection causes little or no pain. After sclerotherapy, some patients experience slight bleeding or pressure.

Dr. Green will thoroughly discuss with you each treatment option, and answer all of your questions. Together, you’ll decide on the procedure that for you will be effective, cost-conscious and as comfortable as possible.

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Skip the waiting room — visit us over video!

For your next appointment, visit us without leaving home or work — even when you’re out of town. All you need is access to a video-capable computer, tablet or smartphone.

Secure video appointments are ideal for follow-up visits, medication questions, test results or general questions. And they’re perfect when you need care right away and you can’t visit our office in person.

To request a video appointment, call (937) 222-2096 or go to your Patient Portal

How to schedule your video visit

Log in to your online Providence Patient Portal. If you don’t have a Portal, click here to create one — it takes just a few minutes.

From your Portal on a computer

1. Click on the ‘Appointments’ tab

2. Click on ‘Secure Online Video’

3. Select the day for your desired appointment.

From your Portal on a smartphone

1. Select the ‘Appointments’ tab

2. Select ‘Schedule New Appointment’

3. For Appointment Reason, select ‘Secure Online Video Appointment’. You will be given the opportunity to provide additional information about your visit should you wish.

4. In the ‘Who is your provider?’ menu, scroll down and select your provider.

How to begin your video visit

• After you've made your appointment, watch for an email or text that includes a link to the Providence Telemedicine web page or to download the 'Providence Medical TeleMedicine' mobile app. You can then set up your user profile.

• Before your appointment, log in to your video visit with your computer, tablet, or a smartphone such as an iPhone, iPad, or Android device — find the app 'Providence Medical TeleMedicine' on your mobile device, or click here from your computer. You'll also need a valid credit card.

• Please log in 15 minutes before your video visit and be prepared with questions for your doctor.

Tips for a great video visit

• Wi-Fi or a wired connection is strongly preferred for a great video visit experience.

• Use headphones — it cuts down on background noise and helps keep the conversation with your doctor private

In addition to expertise in colonoscopy, colorectal endoscopy and rectal surgery techniques, our experience in minimally invasive surgery reduces pain and speeds recovery for a wide variety of patients.

As part of our approach to personalized, compassionate care, we consider all of a patient’s individual needs when we explore treatment options. As partners in their healthcare, we work with our patients to achieve the best medical and surgical results so they can enjoy a full and active lifestyle.